Since there's a first for everything, then I must say this is my first blog post ever on any platform.  Yes, I had no idea what to post about when the time came to open up on the internet about my journey as an entrepreneur. At one point two semesters ago in school I felt like I had to ask an experienced classmate about the need to blog, and "what the hell should I post about" since this is partially a need to make it in the entrepreneur world. Now days in order to stay connected to your following base you must blog about what’s up to date with your world.  My classmate suggested that I "stay as honest as possible" to keep the interest fresh and connected to those who follow my venture, so I shall try my best at doing just that for those that have the interest in seeing my growth.  My first post is going to consist of one simple subject I have come to appreciate in the last 3 1/2 years I have been attending college, after a twenty year hiatus from schooling after trying to raise a family that is no longer part of my everyday life wether I wanted it to or not.

My classmate, who's advice I have come to value considering we have spent 3 of my 7 semesters sharing multi media classes and labs together throughout the same time within the school grounds.  From time to time we may have chance to say a hello across the hallway on our way to class (if you know what college life is like) as we are always on the go if you’re even just a minute late into class (if you care).  Of course, some of these times are the same labs or late afternoon classes that we are dragging ourselves into, while dragging our backpacks by our ankles trying to just make it into the classroom door after a long day of work before diving into class.  We have shared enough awkward moments of the dam lab chairs with the little wheels that if you get lucky enough has 3 good ones, and a rebel one that is of course trying to go the opposite way, then you push it too hard and knock on your classmates little ol' chair while they are trying to concentrate.

The main reason I wanted to write this first blog is because it has been an entire year since I built and launched the portfolio filled with some of my work after 20 years in the same field of large format printing. I think that one of the most appreciative lessons I have learned is that my confidence in the work I produce has increased 1000 fold. Along with my extensive experience in the printing industry creating pieces of artwork from all walks of life, hence the now directive need to finish my schooling to acquire a degree in Digital Imaging has become my main goal. At some point in the near future I have the hopes in continuing my work in my own space and time as the universe allows me to be more creative in the way that i wish to be when it comes to my work. My direct goal is to create a Multi Media environment full of freedom, experience, artistic, and completely focused on the high quality of art that I have always pushed myself to produce.

Eventually, I would also like to produce the work of artist who are looking to take their artwork in a direction that would include the whole of a digitally reproduced artwork expanding into limited edition sales through my network. As of now I have decided to take my time when it comes to the production of work because of the need to finish my degree in order to have the full knowledge of my field covering a range of multi media based products. In some way I’am looking to expand into production based on long term projects rather than individual pieces that can be produced in a short period of time. I think that having the ability to produce work to its excellence is what drives my creativity to other heights, as to compare to a quick production that could be accomplished anywhere else.

With that said, I hope that my journey can become something that you are interested in seeing grow into something special. I will continue to update this section periodically as the venture continues to grow. I will continue to expand my artwork into new heights of an industry that is sure to continue to decline due to the digital age that we are in. The printing industry is becoming something of the past when it comes to the way that people are seeing the lack of interest because of social media, and the way that art is being represented now has a way of making the printing industry become something of the past. I look forward in the near future of changing that in a way that it has not been done before by building a place where milti media can become the center of artwork reproduction and the future of artists looking to expand into a much bigger audience that is moving too fast to appreciate what digital art really is - a visual representation of what we see everyday in a world full of dreams.